The APIVALE project is built on the basis on the principles of agroecology and industrial ecology - two scientific disciplines which are inspired by the functioning of ecological processes

The objective of the APIVALE project is to federate skills and tools for a renewed and more systemic vision concerning the recovery of organic effluents. To meet this objective, INRAE, ANSES and UBS develop an R&D platform on the recovery of effluents and organic waste in order (1) to better take into account the interactions and interdependencies between all processes of entire organic waste and manure handling chain and (2) to perform experiments on a scale allowing to apprehend all the problems and to serve as a technological showroom.

The APIVALE project is financially supported by

L'Europe s engage en Bretagne

Opaale Research unit is focusing on the transformation processes of these organic effluents in order to increase their added value and minimize the environmental impacts generated. Anaerobic digestion is at the center of these organic effluent recovery channels and experiments specific to the French model are necessary for the development of this sector, particularly in connection with the transformation and recovery of the products (digestates) resulting from this process. Beyond energy recovery from effluents, compounds recovery (mainly organic matter and nutrients) from these effluents must also be developed and optimized in order to increase the recycling rates of these elements and reduce the environmental impacts currently generated.

Les équipements d’APIVALE à OPAALE

Ce projet fait l’objet d’un financement dans le cadre du CPER 2015-2020 concernant l’acquisition d’équipements analytiques et d’équipement expérimentaux de laboratoire et de terrain ainsi que des aménagements des laboratoires analytiques et expérimentaux.

1/Liquid methanisation pilot plant with 4 hydrolysis reactors and 1 digester
2/Gas chromatography system with GC-MS mass detector
3/Thermo Dionex extractor
4/Agilent MP AES elemental analyser
5/Evaporator concentrator

Contact : Fabrice Béline