Thesis in progress

The researchers and engineers of the Opaale unit supervise young researchers in CIFRE or academic theses

In this folder

Thesis director : Dominique Heitz - Supervisors INRAE : Lionel Fiabane ; RENAULT : Laetitia Del Fabbro
Supervisors : Pascal Piveteau and Anne-Marie Pourcher – UR OPAALE, INRAE Rennes / Sophie Roussel and Pierre-Emmanuel Douarre – USEL, ANSES Maisons-Alfort
Supervisors : David Grenier and Tiphaine Lucas - UR OPAALE, INRAE Rennes
Thesis directors : Patrick Dabert, UR OPAALE - Nathalie Gontard, UMR IATE - Montpellier
Encadrants : Dominique Heitz et Lionel Fiabane - UR OPAALE, INRAE RENNES - Laurence Le Coq et Félicie Théron - IMT Altlantique

Modification date: 06 November 2023 | Publication date: 07 July 2020 | By: OPAALE