Team manager SAFIR


The SAFIR research team is a multidisciplinary collective whose main research challenges are the evaluation and improvement of the various residual biomass recovery processes, including anaerobic digestion (territorial, agricultural, micro, etc.), composting (domestic, industrial, community), as well as novel processes under development in the circular economy  context. A range of residual biomass streams is considered, including: Organic waste from collective catering and large and medium-sized supermarkets (Large Producers), kitchen and garden wastes, livestock effluents, crop residues and sludge from wastewater treatment plants.
SAFIR's ambition is to employ a global approach towards understanding the environmental and sanitary affects of different residual biomass recovery processes, providing solutions for optimization at the regional level and supporting the ecological transition. A holistic (sector-level), multi-scale (from process to territory), and interdisciplinary vision is therefore necessary, and falls within the broader framework of the “EcoHealth” concept and is based on Systems Thinking.


• To understand and optimize residual biomass recovery sector as a whole via systems thinking, through
Development, coupling and adaptation of models from across multiple disciplines (process engineering, geomatics and environmental assessment) to work at different scales (from the industrial, regional scale down to the “local” scale Assessment of sustainability within the sector and the coherence with the societal, socio-economic and environmental challenges of the territories in which it is established
Study of the interactions between the sector and the territory through the development of “systemic” environmental assessment methodologies, such as spatialized life cycle analysis (LCA) and regional metabolism to assist in decision-making for public policies

• To understand and reduce the environmental and health impacts across the residual biomass recovery sectors via a "flow" approach, through
Developing a metrological strategy (sampling and measurement) for improved assessment of material flows, including gaseous emissions of nitrogen and carbon, at both a local and regional scale
Characterizing the ecology of pathogenic bacteria, with a focus on antibiotic resistance. Modelling at a regional scale in order to understand the impact of supply chains on the flow antibiotic resistance and its persistence in complex systems
Identifying the critical points within the sectors, and the levers to be implemented to control these flows at both a local and territorial scale, using LCA and of the action research.

Disciplinary fields

The disciplines mobilized within the team are Process Engineering, Environmental Assessment (in particular LCA), Sanitary Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Geomatics.