November 2023 - Nantes - World of research and science fiction - Interventions by Pascal Peu - Risks and solutions for transforming biowaste into energy.


Participation d'OPAALE

Participation on the May 22, 2023 - Le plastique, c’est fantastique ?  Paul Derkenne


Participation of OPAALE on May 9 and 11, 2022 on the theme Planet Earth

Biowaste: a super reactive cocktail?
Anne Trémier

Waste: good or bad student for the environment?
Lynda Aissani

The antifreeze tower as a means of combating spring frosts
Clara Le Cap


Projet MALAMOUSSE - Moussage des digesteursSeptembre 2023

- Projet H2020 DECISIVE - concept and technologies developed -  Avril 2021

- "Micro-Imagerie IRM" Organized by Prism  in which AgroScan participates - 2020


POLLUTEC 2021 - Lyon

Conference Forum Cities, sustainable territories: Bioeconomy, a solution for more sustainable cities?

J-Philippe Steyer - Anne Trémier - Pascal Molle (INRAE)

Biogas Village: The collection of bio-waste for the benefit of green gas production - An experiment to measure its effectiveness and benefits.

Anne Trémier (INRAE)- P-André Galy (AXIBIO)- Laëtitia Aubeut (GRDF)


Conference "Anaerobic digestion: what impacts on the soil, the environment and the economy of farms" -> the media are here

Romain Girault - Lynda Aissani - Pascal Peu - 2021

France Finland Conference: Circular Economy


The French Institute of Finland organized in Helsinki a France-Finland public conference on the circular economy "Circular Economy - Intervention Anne Trémier - 2018
>>The filmed conference is available on youtube


ideal co

IDEAL Connaissance

Micromethanization: a solution for the recovery of bio-waste on a very small scale?  Anne Trémier - 2018

Lynda Aissani for the network IDEAL Interdéchets on environmental impacts - 2016


JRI Biogaz Méthanisation 2024 -  Pau
Atelier d'échanges sur les émissions fugitives - Nicolas Auvinet



Presentation of the Apivale Scientific Interest Group (GIS) and the Matlamousse project studying the phenomena of foaming on methanisation facilities - Pascal Peu - 2021 

SIA - Salon de l'Agriculture

Participation in the 2019 INRA Meetings on the theme of Energy Transition in Agriculture - Pascal Peu - 2019

Pollutec - Lyon

Composter, exhibited at Pollutec, fruit of the collaboration between the association Emeraude création and the UR Opaale. This composter was developed specifically to recycle catering waste (central kitchens, schools, hospitals, nursing homes). This participation was the subject of a video for the general public by the partner Emeraude. 2018
L. Aissani on Territorial organization of the biogas sector - 2016

Biogaz Europe - Nantes
L. Aissani - Impact of biogas leaks on the environmental performance of anaerobic digestion - 2018

Observatoire de l'Environnement en Bretagne
L. Aissani - Territorial diagnosis to optimize the territorial implementation of anaerobic digestion - 2017

SPACE at Rennes
A-Marie Pourcher - Day of exchanges and reflection on digestates between Breton actors - 2017


Les Echos : Energy: 5 questions about methanization, the controversial waste treatment" - TREMIER Anne - GIRAULT Romain - 2021

EST Républicain - "Méthanisation - une filière jeune" - PEU Pascal - 2021

Plug in labs - Plateformes des compétences des laboratoires - le trait d'union entre chercheurs et entreprises
"OPAALE : des réponses aux attentes des industriels" - TREMIER Anne - 2020

Le Magazine L'EXPRESS consults Marie-Line Daumer on the issue of Phosphorus - 2019 - En savoir plus

The Revue de l'Industrie Agro-alimentaire publishes in its 800 issue an article on the team's research work IRM-Food - 2018 - En savoir plus

Sciences et vie : Anaerobic digestion and kitchen waste in neighborhoods. “Home methanization” - 2017 - En savoir plus

The conversation : Micro-methanizers: the solution to better recycle waste in the city - 2017 -  En savoir plus

TV - France 5 : Program “We are not Guinea Pigs” - Biogas production explained by Pascal Peu to the general public - 2017


Accueil des scolaires des écoles primaires de Rennes Métropole  -  Animation  "A la découverte du cycle de vie des produits :  "imagerie par résonance magnétique et matières premières" -  "Mesure des particules, ultra-propreté des industries- chaîne du froid" - "Filières de traitement des déchets - fin de vie du produit" - 2017


Modification date: 22 April 2024 | Publication date: 28 September 2020 | By: OPAALE