OPAALE is a partner of the European project FLAT BREAD MINE: Flat Bread of Mediterranean area; INnovation & Emerging process & technology, funded as part of the PRIMA SECTION 1 Call (IA) Valorizing the health benefits of Traditional Mediterranean food products). This project is coordinated by Patricia Le Bail - BIA Unit-ISD team, the project brings together 10 academic partners (1) and 8 industrial partners (2). It is based on the exploration of new technologies, process innovation and reformulations to develop healthy flatbread for consumers in the Mediterranean region.

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As part of this European project, Safia Bedre-dine is carrying out a thesis supervised by David Grenier and Tiphaine Lucas - INRAE ​​UR OPAALE, her research work proposes to explore the application of vacuum cooking for these flatbreads to purposes of saving energy and improving their quality. With this in mind, the prototype oven developed within the IRM-Food team is used, in collaboration with a Portuguese industrial partner Ramalhos for the development of a new prototype, and two agri-food companies: BIMBO in Spain and KROJIKA in Croatia, for tested use.

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For a better understanding of the inflation and compression mechanisms during bread baking, numerical simulation work is carried out. Furthermore, experiments are being carried out to decipher the phenomenon of delamination of flatbreads at atmospheric pressure and to determine interesting cooking trajectories under low pressure.

One of the purposes of the research will be to know the low pressure cooking trajectories, supplemented by an energy assessment of the oven created with the Portuguese industrial partner: Ramalhos.

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  1. INRAE, ONIRIS, CSIC IATA - Espagne, Univ Bari- Italie, SFC Scientific Food Center – Jordanie, Univ Zagreb– Croatie, Univ Malta– Malte, Univ St Joseph - Lebanon, Int. Hellenic Univ.b– Grèce, FTRI – Egypte
  2. BIMBO – Boulangerie Industrielle, Espagne, MATARESSE – Centre technique, Italie, KROJIKA – PME Boulangerie, Croatie, Crown Flour Mills - Meunier, Liban, YECH’HED Malt - Malt bio, France, RAMALHOS – Fours de cuisson, Portugal, MSA-Suivi projet, Malte, VMI-Pétrins, France

Pasqualone, Antonella. 2018. « Traditional Flat Breads Spread from the Fertile Crescent: Production Process and History of Baking Systems ». Journal of Ethnic Foods 5 (1): 10‑19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jef.2018.02.002

carte europe

1 : Carte des pains plats les plus représentatifs et des pays où ils sont produits – (Pasqualone, 2018)